2024 Bull Sale Videos and Supplementary Data

2024 Bull Sale Supplementary Raw Data

EBV's and GBV's for all Sale Bulls

Supplementary Bull Descriptions

LOT 3 A (supp F SEI230523)
A homozygous poll (PP) with presence and stellar figures. Almost all his EBVs are in the top 5%-15% placing him near the top of the catalogue on the Self-Replacing $index at +$78 compared to other Belmont Reds. His GBV for re-breed can’t get any better ranking him at the very top at 100%, and at 94% for growth, compared to other breeds. His dam has weaned 5/5 calves in a row and is PTIC with her 6th.

LOT 16 A (supp I SEI230643)
A sleek and quiet homozygous poll (PP) with superbly balanced EBVs, having 16/19 on the profitable right side of the graph. His GBVs for re-breed rank him highly at 86%, and 70% for puberty, compared to other breeds. His dam has weaned 3/3 calves and is PTIC with her 4th.

LOT 19 A (supp C SEI230371)
A smooth dark red homozygous poll (PP) with exceptional figures, having 15/19 traits on the profitable right side of the graph. His stand-out carcase EBVs and high growth place him in the top 5% on the Terminal %Index, and top 25% on the Self-Replacing $Index. His GBV across the board are very strong ranking him at 88% for growth, 84% for Puberty and 84% for re-breed compared to other breeds. His dam has weaned 5/5 calves in a row and is PTIC with her 6th.

LOT 26 A (supp J SEI230721)
A quiet homozygous poll (PP) with moderate above average growth and positive fats positions him in the top 35% on the Terminal $Index. His GBV for re-breed can’t get any better ranking him at the very top - at 100% - compared to other breeds in the North. His dam has weaned 3/3 calves in a row and is PTIC with her 4th.

LOT 44 A (supp G SEI230541)
A neat bull with moderate early growth and strong carcase EBVs. His GBV for growth ranks him highly at 89%, and for re-breed at 77% compared to other breeds. His dam weaned 2/2 calves.

LOT 55 A (supp L SEI231019)
A placid bull with moderate growth and good retail beef yield. His GBV for re-breed ranks him highly at 85% compared to other breeds. His dam has weaned 6/6 calves in a row and is PTIC with her 7th.

LOT 57 A (supp N SEI231055)
A dark red homozygous poll (PP) with superb EBVs including strong growth and carcase traits, positioning him in the top 5% on the Terminal $Index and the top 10% on the Self-Replacing $Index. His GBVs for fertility and growth are also strong, ranking him at 87% for re-breed, 83% for puberty and 75% for growth compared to other breeds. His dam deserves a medal having just weaned her last of 15/15 calves in a row, at the age of 17 years of age.

LOT 84 A (supp K SEI230891)
A solid and sleek bull with strong fertility traits including favorable negative days to calving of -5.3day in the top 15%, scrotal in the top 20% and positive rib fat, put him in the top 20% on the Self-Replacing $Index. His GBV for re-breed ranks him highly art 82% compared to other breeds. His dam weaned 5/5 calves in a row.

LOT 91 A (supp D SEI230439)
A calm and long bull with moderate yet above average growth, plus strong fertility traits of negative days to calving in the top 15%, and scrotal size in the top 20%, putting him in the top 20% on the Self-Replacing $Index. His GBVs for growth and fertility also rank him above average compared to other breeds. His dam has weaned 3/3 calves and is PTIC with her 4th.

LOT 101 A (supp B SEI230191)
A homozygous poll (PP), with excellent figures, being in the top 10% for growth, plus an excellent scrotal size EBV and favourable negative days to calving, positioning him in the top 10% on the terminal $Index, and top 15% on the Self-Replacing $Index. His GBV for rebreed is exceptional, ranking him in the top 98% compared to other breeds. His dam has weaned 3/3 calves in a row and is PTIC with her 4th.

LOT 102 A (supp H SEI230601)
An appealing solid built bull, with high rib and rump fats and marbling in the top 10%. His GBV for re-breed ranks him very highly at 93%, and well above average for growth, yet with favorably low for hip height, compared to other breeds in the North. His dam has weaned 3/3 calves in a row and is PTIC with her 4th.