Pathway to northern profitability
with Seifert Belmont Reds

This article is branded content for Seifert Belmont Reds
Profit-making genetics are readily apparent in the 90 bulls and 10 PTIC heifers' that husband and wife team Ian Stark and Jeanne Seifert, have selected for their third annual Seifert Belmont Reds Sale.
Seifert Belmont Reds is the largest breeder of purebred registered Breedplan recorded Belmont Reds in Australia. Their aggregation of five properties totals approximately 10,000ha and is a mix of ticky and clean country from marginal iron bark breeder country to brigalow backgrounding country.
Mrs Seifert is particularly proud of their females who continue to naturally rebreed, even on the back of two of the driest years on record.
"Our genetics are produced from a tough, unpampered cow herd where females are managed under a single sire mating program, using Belmont Red bulls at 1 per cent - 2 per cent, for a nine or a twelve-week joining period.
"Our cattle are never ever treated for tick or fly, are rarely handled, and every female must wean a calf every year, off native pasture, without any special care," she said.
"Under this regime and dry years, our wet cows and heifers returned from 93.2 per cent to 98.5 per cent pregnancy rates this year."
Early puberty bulls are also used from 14 months old to produce higher fertility daughters and sons. These stringent 'survival of the fittest' breeding principles, ensure that the young bulls catalogued for the 2021 sale will provide valuable heritable traits including phenomenal fertility, excellent growth and carcase attributes, genuine docility, and the highest levels of environmental adaptation.

"To top it off , 44 bulls of the 90 bulls are homozygous (PP) polls, and an impressive 73 per cent of them are at or above the 50th percentile for the Breedplan export $index."
Mr Stark said their emphasis on real fitness for purpose, and their ability to reliably meet volume demand, plus JBAS 7 status, ensures Seifert Belmont Reds can sell Australia-wide including into the Northern Territory and Western Australia.
"The reputation for our bulls to deliver consistent lines of calves, stems from many decades of breeding, where our pedigrees can be traced back to the original CSIRO Africander cross breeding trials of 1954," Mr Stark said.
"I'm especially pleased with the progress our herd has made with respect to type, muscling, and eye muscle area.
"IVF (invitro fertilization), ET (embryo transfer), AI (artificial insemination) and cloning are used to create optimum genetic combinations and accelerate genetic progress."
The demand for tropically adapted Bos Taurus Seifert Belmont Red genetics is emphasised by their exportation to Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, the Philippines, and South America.
In 2020 the stud also established a satellite purebred Belmont Red herd with partners in Paraguay.
"Our focus on personal and professional integrity, combined with trustworthy data, provides peace of mind to our buyers," he said.
"We have every confidence in this draft, and we're sure they will make a valuable contribution to your herd and your profitability."

The catalogue is available now on with hardcopies mailed on request. Inspections are welcome at any time, on any day - call, text or email Ian 0439 632 113 or Jeanne 0427 632 113, jeanne@
Videos will be on the website and AuctionsPlus two weeks before the sale. The sale will be on AuctionsPlus and by Helmsman auction, from 12 noon Monday, August 2, on property at 'Wonga' Jandowae. Attendees are welcome from 7am with complimentary morning tea and lunch.
Free delivery to Charters Towers, Rockhampton, Roma and Dalby saleyards will be available. Outside agents welcome, contact Elders Michael Smith 0428 541 711 or Anthony Ball 0428 275 499.
This article is branded content for Seifert Belmont Reds