The path to productivity

Seifert Belmont Reds are the future
Since exhibiting for the first time at Beef '09, Seifert Belmont Reds stud principals Ian Stark and Jeanne Seifert have found that the event provides them with a great opportunity to show commercial cattlemen what the industry's best modern Belmont Reds look like.
They're keen to share their personal and professional philosophy of transparency, honesty and integrity in their breeding program, and their focus on responding to the specific needs and breeding objectives of their buyers.
"Beef also presents the opportunity for commercial producers to discuss volume paddock bull sales and for-ward orders with us during the week," Mrs Seifert said.

Research-proven performance
Mr Stark said Seifert Belmont Reds tick every box, for all traits, to lead the cattle industry in true sustainabili-ty into the future.
"They're proven commer-cially, and benchmarked in research, to be exceptional in fertility, environmental adaptation, growth, docility and carcase traits. These heritable traits make our bulls a clear-cut choice for achieving real sustainability in Northern Australia."
Seifert Belmont Red genetics have been benchmarked in most major research projects since the 1960s.
"This has allowed us to compare our performance against other commercial breeds, and other Belmont Reds, in the north while generating top quality data for Breedplan EBVs, and GBVs. This feedback has highlighted how high-per-forming our herd is across all of the traits of economic importance, from fertility, growth and tropical adaptation, to superb meat quality and yield," Mrs Seifert said.
Success at Callide Dawson competition
These carcase traits were recognised at the 2023 Cal-lide Dawson Beef Carcase Competition. As first-time competitors, Seifert Bel-mont Reds entries claimed Champion Grain Fed Steer Carcase; Champion Grain Fed Carcase; second in the Class 5 Pen of 3 Grain Fed Steers and Best Live Weight Gain in Feedlot Trade Steer; third for Grain Fed All Rounder, Best Live Weight Gain in Feedlot Trade Steer and the Class 7 Pen of 3 Trade Steers; and fifth in the Class 7 Pen of 3 Trade Steers. These placings were achieved in competition with 140 producers across all breeds and 395 entries.
"As first-timers, we certainly didn't expect to achieve this result. We're looking forward to entering this year's competition."
This success came on the back of strong showings at past Beef Australia Carcase Competitions, where in 2018 Seifert Belmont Reds placed fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth in the ANZ Domestic Pen of 3 Steers section, in which they also placed third in 2015.
"Many know that Seifert Belmont Reds are obscenely fertile, tough as nails, and ridiculously quiet, but many don't realise what a great carcase animal they are."
Bulls for every breeding goal
Last year Seifert Belmont Reds placed in the top 40 for sales performance Australia-wide for bull sales and number one, for the Belmont Red breed, for profitability in the annual Bush Agribusiness Top Studs publication.
Mr Stark said a selection of the bulls that will be available at this year's sixth annual Seifert Belmont Reds on-property bull sale being held on Monday, August 5, will be displayed at Beef.
"We'll have eight of our 100-strong sale draft on display at Rocky at outdoor cattle site O90. The bulls selected for this year's sale are our best yet. They're all polled (DNA verified) and are backed by Breedplan EBVs, and GBVs. Addition-ally, 83 per cent of the draft is above the breed average for profitability on the Self Replacing $Index, with 41pc in the top 20th percentile."
He said every year Seifert Belmont Reds aim to provide enough bulls
to supply demand at an affordable price.
"There will be an excellent range of bulls for every budget and breeding objective. We believe every-one should have a Seifert Belmont Red. Our annual feature sale prices remain accessible and in line with mainstream sale trends.
"We're proud of the progress our herd has made, and feedback from past buyers confirms these bulls will make a valuable, and long-lasting, contribution to your herd and your busi-ness's profitability.
"We're grateful that a growing number of beef producers recognise that our low input cost, highly productive genetics, provide a real return on investment."
This article is branded content for Seifert Belmont Reds