Ian Stark and Jeanne Seifert

Born in 1963 at Belmont research station Rockhampton, the third child of Dr. George and Mary Seifert, my history with Belmont Reds is as old as I am. Together with my siblings George and Karen, we lived at Belmont research station from 1962 to 1967.
Dad was the research scientist who developed the Belmont Red whilst working there for CSIRO. In 1967 he won a bursary from the Australian government to go to the USA to do his PhD.
We lived in Ames, Iowa for nearly three years on the university campus.
Dad completed his PhD in Genetics and Statistics and my mother did her Masters degree in Biochemistry.
I started school in the USA and partially acquired an American accent. Later we lived in South Africa for six months. We returned to Rockhampton in 1970, and Dad continued research at CSIRO. Before long the first farm was bought and he put into practice what he preached. My passion for the land, horses and cattle breeding began.
I attended secondary school at the Range Convent, Rockhampton. I completed a bachelor of Occupational Therapy at the University of Qld and after graduation worked as an O.T. extensively in Brisbane and England. I also traveled at every opportunity.
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Belmont Australia Association Council President
Member of Emu Creek Landcare
I started my own family in 1992. I have three children, a daughter Anastasia and sons Lex and Sebastian.
In 2009 I married Ian Stark who has two sons Lachlan and Mitchell.
Our children are all young adults now and blissfully they are great friends.
Together Ian and I run the five properties at Emu Creek and Jandowae.
Our philosophy is to breed genetically and environmentally superior but affordable Belmont Red cattle.